Thursday, August 23, 2012

In Defense of the Corset


     I recently fell in love and purchased this charming little rubber stamp image of the a corset to add to my vast collection of stamps.  I have been fascinated recently with the recent popularity of corset styles in the some of the new steampunk, burlesque, and fusion bellydance costuming, as well as mainstream fashion.  In one way, in struck me as slightly ironic that we've taken to wearing what I'd always previously believed to be a symbol of female repression and turned it into an empowering image of female beauty.  In reality, the requirement to wear a tight corset each day of a woman's life caused fainting and in extreme cases led to bone structure deformities.  Imagine having to wake up each day and lace something so tight around your mid-section so tight that you could barely breath all day, everyday.  No thank you!  Corsets have been around for some time as an undergarment and dribbled out of popularity with the invention of fabrics such as lycra (hello, Spanx!), and the need to use our metal more wisely (war).  So in a way, we are still wearing forms of corsets in our underclothes every time we wear a push-up bra, tummy control girdle, or control top pantyhose.  Now that we are safely away from the era of required tight corset wearing, we are free to wear these undergarments on the outside, dress them up with all manner of silk and in every color and style you can imagine.  So I will continue to make new designs with my fun corset stamp and celebrate the fact that I can wear a fun, pretty corset, if I want to...because let's face it, they do look pretty awesome.
     The centerpiece of this bracelet is a tiny gem size tintype.  Tintypes are photos printed on pieces of metal and were  popular in the victorian era, when corsets were also popular.  The lady in this photo, was very likely wearing one herself (although it is a small picture and hard to tell).  The two copper pieces on the side are etched metal images of corsets.  I'm already very attached to this one so I don't know if I will sell it (or make myself another similar!).

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Style vs. Fashion

     Here is today's confession:  I am not a fashionista.  Don't get me wrong, I love fashion.  I subscribe to InStyle and my favorite TV addiction is Project Runway.  I love to observe the way the trends ebb and flow, I just choose not to partake in 97.7% of these passing trends.  One day it's pleats, the next month everything is jewel tone.  It is very easy for women in today's culture to get totally confused and feel like they constantly need to "update" their wardrobe.  I am also different from many woman in that most women shop for jewelry to match their clothes, while I shop for clothes to match my jewelry.  Imagine how thrilled I was to observe that all of a sudden, lace is in style!  Lace dresses, lace shirts, lace skirts, lace tank tops.  So, I had to take advantage of this very passing trend to stock up on some fun clothes to match the jewelry that I make.  I will continue to wear my lacey clothes long after the trend dies down and everyone is wearing tiger stripes, or whatever else happens to be in style at the moment (and really, does lace ever go out of style?).  When you stay true to what you truly love, you will never be out of style.  You may be out of fashion, but you will always have your own style that is unique to you.  So don't be afraid to buck the trends and go for what you really like.  It is perfectly OK to be the only one in town who doesn't own a pair of UGG boots.