Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Everbody has one of those favorite movies that they can watch over and over again and never tire of.  Some people have more than one (me!), but one of my favorites is Sofia Coppola" movie Marie Antionette. I've always been fascinated by her as an historical figure, and fashion icon.  The movie is a virtual eye candy bonanza of jewelry and costume inspiration, as well as an historically accurate account of Marie's early life upon arriving at Versailles at age fourteen.  She has been very much vilified as being an extravagant, spoiled queen, who gambled away France's money while her people went hungry.  I'd be lying if I said there was not some truth to that, but I still have some sympathy for the poor girl.  Imagine being torn away from your family and homeland when you are fourteen and married off to some stranger in a hostile land.  Hey, I'd become a shopaholic too!  What I do find constantly amusing is that her most famous quote "let them eat cake", was never uttered by her (many historians have concurred with this). So why was it not the blockbuster hit I thought it should be?  Who knows?  Perhaps it was because (Spoiler Alert!), there was no bloody guillotine scene at the end.  Ms. Coppola very tastefully ended the film before all that ugliness.

When I opened my etey shop fairly recently, I was most surprised to find that the piece of jewelry that got the most views and and made it to three treasury lists before it was sold was my Marie Antionette collge necklace.  I guess I'm not alone in my love for all things Marie.  I was happy to see some other liked-minded people out there, and I will continue to make jewelry inspired by the unfortunate French Queen.  Even though some of my supplies are running low, I still have an abundance of fabric, so here it is, my latest Marie-inspired creation.  A beautiful collar fit for a queen!  Oh, and if you haven't seen Ms. Coppola's movie, add it to your netflix list, it's really good!

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