Friday, March 30, 2012

Full of steam

     It is always interesting to see what jewelry trends come and go over the years.  Although I have long ago given up keeping up with all the trends, one that I've paid particular attention to is steampunk-inspired jewelry designs.  Steampunk itself has been around since the eighties and is far more than just a jewelry trend (for those of you who for some reason have never heard the term  I'm not going to explain, just ask the great Sir Google).  It is an entire art, music, literature, and performance genre as well as a fashion trend.   It wasn't long after this trend really gained steam (pun!) before the mass production started (straight out of china, of course).  Big name craft stores began to sell faux vintage gears and watch components so you can make your own steampunk jewelry with a quick swipe of your credit card. A general search on etsy will give you over 150,000 matches, most of it jewelry. I knew the trend was really mainstream the day I saw steampunk jewelry in the mall.
     I do not consider myself to be a full-fledged steamager.  I have read exactly zero works of literature in this genre (admittedly, I never even read Jules Verne or H.G. Wells, I've only seen the movies).  I have only a handful of steampunk songs on my ipod by Seattle band Abney Park.  I've never been to the Steampunk World's Fair, which takes place in May every year in NJ (although I'd love to go sometime).  I'm not entirely sure what an airship pirate is, although whatever it is sounds cool! So why do I make some steampunk-inspired jewelry?  I do it because to me, the whole movement embraces creativity, reinvention (see the website for some real creativity), and  rebellion against the norms.  That is why the centerpiece of this necklace (made from real watch parts, of course) has the words "creative power".  In this crazy world of consumption and greed, we all need a little more steampunk energy.  Oh, and if you are not necessarily a DIY kind of person but still would like to wear this trend in jewelry form, please don't buy it at the mall!  Support an artist or craftperson. That's the steampunk way.
Metal hoop wrapped in lace and buttons!  The pendant is made with real watch parts and is filled with resin.  Embrace the steampunkery within!